AWS Aurora Disaster Recovery Software

How to Protect the Data in Your Aurora Cluster

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a suite of solutions provided by Amazon to help business owners get more done online. From relational databases like Aurora to application programming interfaces (APIs), AWS offers several cloud-computing solutions that give business owners more power to utilize advanced tech features on their company websites and apps.

Although AWS offers a lot of security features, users of AWS are encouraged to take steps on their own to protect the data that is stored and transferred via AWS. Protecting data is more important than ever these days as hackers and cybercriminals target large volumes of data to steal identities, access financial data, and more.

Have a Recovery Solution

When you sign up for any AWS solution, it’s a good idea to look into a recovery solution as well. AWS Aurora disaster recovery software is a good investment if your business uses relational databases through AWS. AWS Aurora disaster recovery software can potentially recover data that has been stolen, deleted, or corrupted in the event of a major incident.

Without a recovery solution at your disposal, your business and its data are vulnerable. Losing vital data, particularly as it relates to sales, customer info or financial transactions can be devastating to your company’s bottom line and may lead to litigation from customers. Find the best AWS Aurora disaster recovery software by visiting this website.

Know Your Employees

Before you hand over access to any of your company’s AWS solutions, you need to know the background of each employee who is being given access. Limiting access is usually a good move, as having too many people in your company with access to vital data can mean that it’s harder to track down the source if something goes awry.

It would be helpful to perform background checks on employees who are given access to AWS solutions. This can prevent someone with a questionable history from gaining access to the power to unintentionally or intentionally manipulate or delete data. Assigning oversight roles may also be a good idea so that anyone with AWS access must have someone else review their access. This potentially reduces the chances for something to go wrong on the security front.

Read a similar article about AWS disaster recovery platform here at this page.