Disaster Recovery For Hybrid Cloud

3 IT Disasters You Should Plan For

If you work in IT, you already know how crucial it is to have network security plans in place to protect the data on your network and housed on your servers. Unfortunately, disasters can and do happen, and this means that it’s just as vital to have a plan in place to mitigate the fallout from IT disasters. Below are three examples of IT disasters you should plan for no matter what type of data you work with or what type of industry you serve:


Fires are the types of emergencies that can get out of control quickly. Depending on where a fire starts, what sources of fuel are nearby and how quickly emergency response teams can get to the fire, this type of disaster can rapidly destroy IT equipment. When this happens, unfortunately, the data stored on this equipment may be in danger as well.


Flooding is another type of disaster that can get out of control quickly. Flooding doesn’t always happen because of nature, either. A broken water pipe in a data center can lead to inches or even feet of water flooding into a server room where both the equipment and connective cables can become damaged.

As you already know, water and electricity don’t mix, and flooding can destroy sensitive IT equipment quickly. Even in cases where no water causes immediate damage, corrosion from moisture exposure can limit the life expectancy of electronic equipment.

Data Theft

Data theft is another major concern in IT, and this type of disaster can be more difficult to prevent. Thieves are cunning, and they are always on the hunt for ways to circumvent IT security measures.

While you may not be able to prevent all cases of data theft, having disaster recovery for hybrid cloud services in place can help your team restore data that has been lost. Disaster recovery for hybrid cloud services can also be a huge help during a ransomware attack where important data is being held hostage by criminals.

Read a similar article about data recovery for healthcare here at this page.